
netfiles data room for security and GDPR compliance when exchanging data with clients

Security plays a key role when exchanging information with clients. This applies to lawyers and management consultants as well as tax consultants and auditors. Confidential data is almost always involved – be it tax documents or balance sheets, contracts or personal information that is subject to special data protection.

It is obvious that exchanging data via e-mail is not ideal in situations like this. The biggest drawback is that it is usually unencrypted. In addition, senders do not know whether the documents have actually been received and acknowledged by the client. Caution is also advised with cloud storage services such as Dropbox, Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive, both in terms of IT security and data protection. They pose a significant risk, especially with regard to GDPR compliance.

A virtual data room – ideal for exchanging data with clients
The situation is completely different when using a virtual data room (VDR) for client communication. A sophisticated VDR such as netfiles not only guarantees security and data protection. It can also be set up in next to no time, requires no software installion and is exceptionally user-friendly.

Security is a top priority
All documents are 256-bit encrypted, both during transmission and when stored in your netfiles data room. Easy-to-assign access rights allow you to determine whether your clients can edit documents and upload them to the data room, whether they can at least download and print them, or whether they can only view them.

netfiles places the highest value on data protection and security: We are a German company with headquarters, development and hosting in Germany and meet the strict requirements of the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Our IT security procedures have been certified by TÜV Süd in accordance with ISO/IEC27001.

Optimally organized
For an optimal overview, you can create a separate folder with various subfolders for each client in netfiles and assign individual access rights. This means that you and your law firm team always have access to the relevant case documents – whether you are on a laptop, tablet or smartphone.

If you grant your client write permissions for one or more folders, the confusing back and forth of e-mails is eliminated and you avoid the version chaos that often arises as a result. Everyone involved has the same level of information and the relevant documents are available around the clock.

As a lawyer or consultant, you can be sure that documents have been securely provided to your clients and can check whether documents have already been read or downloaded if necessary. Your clients can also securely provide you with important documents, such as countersigned contracts or receipts for tax returns.

Ready to go immediately
Neither you nor your client need to install any software to use netfiles. A web browser is all you need. You can therefore get started immediately without involving your IT department or your IT manager. No training is required either, as it is as easy to use as your Windows file manager or AppleFinder.

Still have questions?
We will be happy to advise you on how best to use the netfiles data room for your client communication and which functions netfiles offers in detail. Contact us – we look forward to hearing from you!