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Virtual data room for secure data exchange

The exchange of confidential data is an important aspect of many business processes, such as mergers and acquisitions, due diligence audits or corporate financing rounds. However, confidential data is also regularly exchanged in day-to-day business. It is crucial that the data is protected against unauthorized access, manipulation or loss. One way to ensure this is to use virtual data rooms.

A virtual data room (VDR) is a secure online platform where authorized users can upload, store, share and view documents. A data room offers several advantages over traditional methods of data exchange, such as email, FTP or file sharing or file hosting services. Some of these advantages are

  • Greater security: a data room uses encryption technologies to protect data during transmission and storage. Users can also set individual access rights and restrictions to control who can see, edit or download what data. A VDR also enables the tracking of all activities in the data room and the creation of audit logs.

  • Greater efficiency: A virtual data room allows users to upload, download, view and edit documents quickly and easily. Users can also upload or download multiple documents at the same time, which saves time. In particular, working with different versions of a document is much more efficient with a data room than with conventional methods of data exchange. The data room ensures that all users always have access to the same, up-to-date version of data or documents. In addition, documents in the data room can be organized and structured with the help of search functions, filters and tags. The netfiles data room even offers the option of making annotations in documents.

  • Greater compliance: A virtual data room helps users to comply with the applicable data protection and security regulations. Users can ensure that their documents can only be viewed by authorized persons and that they are not passed on or sold to third parties. Particularly sensitive data can even be protected with a watermark. Users can also arrange for documents to be deleted or blocked if they are no longer required. Email, FTP and file sharing services, on the other hand, can lead to breaches of data protection and security regulations if they are not managed properly.

  • Cost efficiency: A virtual data room reduces the hardware, software, maintenance and personnel costs associated with an in-house solution. In addition, a virtual data room can be scaled according to demand so that only the actual storage space and usage is paid for.

Virtual data rooms are therefore a modern and effective solution for secure data exchange in various business scenarios. They offer more security, efficiency, flexibility and cost savings than conventional methods. If you would like to find out more about virtual data rooms or set up your own VDR, please contact us or create a free 14-day trial data room here.